What is the Wild Circle?

The Wild Circle is…

  • a place to gather
  • a chance to connect
  • an online home

Less poetically, the Wild Circle is my reader membership program, delivered via Ream.

Exclusive & Early Access

Members of the Wild Circle get early access to Works In Progress as well as exclusive access to behind the scenes info and stories not found anywhere else.

The Wildlands are not what you expected — while they are clearly not safe, nor are they dangerous. You watch your step, pay a bit more attention to where you place your feet.

The animals do not bother you. The night air feels cool on your skin, and you can smell the earthy scent of crushed herbs. Crickets chirp. Birds sing each other to sleep.

The vegetation grows thicker. Soon you find yourself in a forest.

Your heart beats a little faster, and a small inner voice tells you to go back.

You ignore it, and press on.

Back is where the noise never stops, where you can’t hear your own thoughts, let alone your soul.

Back is where you have pressed yourself between the sheaves of Must and Should, a once-wild flower on display for those who will never appreciate your essence.

You will go onwards, instead, deeper into the peace that has settled around you.

Deeper into the place where wildflowers grow, uncut by the blades of duty.

You enter a clearing, almost a perfect circle in shape.

Surely that is impossible.

Wild Circle Perks


Following is forever free!

Followers get access to:

  • my updates feed (+some polls)
  • certain backlist stories
  • certain exclusive stories

Witch’s Brew

$3 monthly

  • my caffeinated gratitude
  • all stories Followers get, but earlier
  • exclusive stories + poetry
  • updates feed + polls to help shape my writing
  • a private community on Ream

Wolf Pack

$5 monthly (NO SPICE tier)

  • earlier access to backlist and exclusives
  • early access to drafts in portal fantasy series The Borderlands Saga
  • a thank you in all published works
  • everything in Tier 1: Witch’s Brew

Time Travellers

$5 monthly (SPICY tier)

  • earlier access to backlist and exclusives
  • early access to drafts in epic fantasy series Chosen of Zarqon
  • early access to drafts in steamy sci-fi romance series Elemental Chemistry
  • a thank you in all published works
  • everything in Tier 1: Witch’s Brew

Canis lupus temporalis

$8 monthly (choose your own spice adventure! tier)

  • even earlier access to backlist and exclusives
  • earlier access to drafts in epic fantasy, steamy sci-fi romance, and portal fantasy series
  • a thank you in all published works
  • everything in Tiers 2 & 3: Wolf Pack & Time Travellers
  • everything in Tier 1: Witch’s Brew

Spears of Scythia

$10 monthly (SPICY tier)

  • even earlier access to backlist and exclusives
  • even earlier access to drafts in epic fantasy and steamy sci-fi romance series Chosen of Zarqon and Elemental Chemistry
  • ebook downloads of early finished books (before final edits)
  • a thank you in all published works
  • everything in Tier 1: Witch’s Brew
  • everything in Tier 3: Time Travellers

Wild Sisterhood

$10 monthly (NO SPICE tier)

  • even earlier access to backlist and exclusives
  • even earlier access to drafts in portal fantasy series The Borderlands Saga
  • ebook downloads of early finished books (before final edits)
  • a thank you in all published works
  • everything in Tier 1: Witch’s Brew
  • everything in Tier 2: Wolf Pack

Warrior Nuns

$13 monthly (choose your own spice adventure! tier)

  • even earlier access to backlist and exclusives
  • even earlier access to drafts in epic fantasy, steamy sci-fi romance, and portal fantasy series
  • ebook downloads of early finished books (before final edits)
  • a thank you in all published works
  • everything in Tier 1: Witch’s Brew
  • everything in Tiers 5 & 6: Spears of Scythia and Wild Sisterhood


$25 monthly (choose your own spice adventure! tier)

  • even earlier access to backlist and exclusives
  • even earlier access to drafts in epic fantasy, steamy sci-fi romance, and portal fantasy series
  • ebook downloads of early finished books (before final edits)
  • a thank you in all published works
  • downloads of finalized ebooks in three file types: epub, mobi, and special PDF not available to the public.
  • everything in Tier 1: Witch’s Brew
  • everything in Tier 7: Warrior Nuns
Stories currently releasing

Stolen Fire (Elemental Chemistry #1)

Available to all SPICY tiers: Time Travellers, Canis lupus temporalis, Spears of Scythia, Warrior Nuns, and Lorekeepers.

First draft. Complete.

Broken Earth (Elemental Chemistry #2)

Available to all SPICY tiers: Time Travellers, Canis lupus temporalis, Spears of Scythia, Warrior Nuns, and Lorekeepers.

First draft. Releasing monthly.

Stranger Skies (The Borderlands Saga #1)

Available to ALL tiers (backlist novel).

Final, published version. Currently releasing to Followers and Public. Complete for all other tiers.

Stories coming soon

Nebula’s Heart (Elemental Chemistry #2.5)

Will be available to all SPICY tiers: Time Travellers, Canis lupus temporalis, Spears of Scythia, Warrior Nuns, and Lorekeepers.

Projected release of Chapter 1: Fall 2024

Chosen of Kore (Chosen of Zarqon #1)

Will be available to all tiers (backlist novel, being relaunched).

(Cover not final.)

Projected release of first updated chapters: Summer 2024

From the Ashes (The Borderlands Saga #2)

Will be available to NON-SPICY tiers: Wolf Pack, Canis lupus temporalis, Wild Sisterhood, Warrior Nuns, Lorekeepers.

Projected release of Chapter 1: Fall 2024